Packing Tips and Hints
We are two weeks out and hopefully you have begun some serious planning. It can be daunting and overwhelming at times but there are a lot of great articles on the web for people who are attending Le Dîner en Blanc for the first time--which would be almost all of us! Some really important things to remember for our event include:
If you have rented your table and chairs (and a lot of you have!), you will still need to bring some sort of handcart or carrier to help move your table and chairs from the bus parking area (where you will pick it up) to the event site. You will be walking 300-400 feet. Don't forget to put tape, ribbon or some sort of marker on your carrier so you can distinguish it from all the others.
You will also need bungee cords to secure your stuff. Not one or two but several. They need to be crisscrossed so stuff doesn't fall off.
Speaking of walking, we really, really advise flat (or at least low-heel) shoes. If you must do heels, bring them to put on at the site. Even if you're used to walking in heels, we will be on a variety of surfaces so take heed.
Be sure to pack a small flashlight. It will be dark when it's time to pack everything up and a little light makes all the difference in the world.
Borrowing from Shannon Qualls packing list, here are some must-have items:
1 folding table 28″ -32″ (square) We bought this one but would recommend finding one that you can fit your legs under because it can be a bit uncomfortable (especially for those with long legs!)
2 folding chairs (white) or buy white slipcovers to go over them. We saw someone take white lawn chairs, but I imagine that would have been bit uncomfortable to carry
1 white tablecloth (linen)
2 white dinner plates (not paper or plastic)
2 white napkins
2 sets of utensils (not plastic)
2 glasses (not paper or plastic)
Lighter for the sparklers
1 wine opener if you are drinking wine (only the Bordeaux require a corkscrew)
Trash bag to collect your trash and take off site with you to the dumpster
Food and drinks
White attire
Camera (a high quality one will get you better pictures then what I have. Mine were iPhone photos…okay, but not great)
Something to pack it all in (we used a large tub, insulated bag and dolly with bungee cords)
Rolling cart/wagon/dolly and bungee cords/rolling suitcase, etc. for getting your stuff around easily
Drivers License or other photo ID
Registration paper printed out
Receipts for food, wine and rentals.
A good attitude! It’s going to be a little nuts but it will calm down and the night will be awesome!
The last bullet is the most important! We can't wait to see you!
Introducing Our New Logo & Website
25 April 2024
You’re here! Have you had a chance to browse this beautiful new website yet? Take a tour and get even more excited about the coming season!